
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Dagoba Chocolate- Chai

OMMMMMM will this chocolate help bring me inner peace?

I've liked the other Dagoba bars that I have tried so I had high hopes for the the Chai bar.

Chai is an organic milk chocolate bar with crystallized ginger and a secret blend of 11 herbs and spices. I made that part up but it does claim to have a secret spice blend.

And spicy it is. the ginger comes through load and clear (and I love the little bits sprinkled through the bar) but I can also make out the clove, anise, cardamom, cinnamon and black pepper that the bar contains. I liked it but it did remind me a little too much like potpourri. Even that being said it was still a pretty good taste.

What I didn't like is the chocolate it's self. It's grainy and dry. There is no creamy melt. Actually it's kind of chalky as it melts. I kept wanting it to be more like the Frey Cinnamon Coriander bar that I really liked.

Great idea, great spice the chocolate is just a let down.

Whole Foods

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