
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Orange 3 Musketeer's- Limited Edition

I have mentioned a time or seven before that I love orange and chocolate together right?
Oh let's go for eight!: I LOVE ORANGE AND CHOCOLATE!!!

As you can tell by now I am a mild fan of the combination. I hunted down my bag at the local Wal*Mart the way some women will look for the perfect shoe.

The candies are mini bites of milk chocolate enrobing and orange fluff.
The only remotely quasi negative thing I have to say is that I wish they had used the dark chocolate that they have used for the Mint, Cherry and Raspberry versions it really would have set the orange off.

Even as it is with the milk chocolate it is pretty damn good!
The orange is sweet but it still have a tart edge. The fluff is soft.
Really if you have had any other orange creme filled candy you have had these but 3 Musketeer's did a good version of a classic.



  1. I too LOVE orange and chocolate so I'll have to hunt these down. Have you had the orange cream cadbury eggs? they are really good too.

  2. I have searched everywhere for these and cannot find them. Help!
    Needt in NC!

  3. I found mine at my local Wal*Mart in the Easter candy aisle. I know they are also several up for auction on eBay.

    Hope that helps!!

  4. being a huge fan of orange and chocolate i have to tell you about these dark choc orange cream sticks they have at rite aid drug stores.MADE BY MRS FRIELDS also if you ever go to san francisco go to swensons ice cream on union and hyde streets and have the swiss orange chip ice cream .its the best damn ice cream EVER!!


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