
Friday, February 29, 2008

Nestlé Abuelita Mexican Hot Chocolate


I am a cocoa addict!

I would love to tell you that drinking this took me back to a simpler time, sipping cocoa at the tables of my friends' grandmothers. But for all of my Hispanic friends whose mothers or grandmothers would dote over them or cook for them (and, when I was lucky, me), not a one of them made home made hot chocolate; Mexican or otherwise. What was up with that? (To be fair, my grandmother never did either.)

So that brings us to the Abuelita.

It is going to be hard to ever look the Swiss Miss in the eye again. Abuelita just brings so much more to the table. Now, I am sure that "real" Mexican hot chocolate is worlds above the powdered version -- but, as I have never had it, and I don't know anyone who makes it, I am just going to have to make do.

I made mine with milk. Even just mixing it with a spoon, the first thing you notice is that it is frothy. The texture is light and silky. The flavors of the cinnamon and spices come right through. The chocolate itself is strong and nice.

I loved everything about this. It really made me want to hunt down a more authentic version.


  1. my grandmother made authentic hot chocolate that took HOURS to make - unfortunately, she never taught any of her relatives to make it so we have spent DAYS comparing notes on what we saw when we snuck in the kitchen to watch her make it (also, not allowed in the kitchen while she cooked).

    and abuelita - esp the hard kind that you melt in a pot and just add a cinnamon stick or two too (although the instructions say mix it in a blender - WHAT!) is EXTREMEMLY authentic and sooooo tasty.

  2. "Tasty" doesn't do justice to this hot chocolate! I managed to find some online for a good price - they ship domestically !

    Enjoy everyone who hasn't had it yet. I love this stuff.


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