
Monday, July 14, 2008

5 Gum- Lush

Will I be leading a lush life in some small time?
A cookie to anyone who got my lyric referance.

But let's talk about the gum. Lush is one of two new flavors that have been added to Wrigley's 5 line.

Lush is supposed to be a tropical flavored gum. Since Cobalt and Rain both seem to be stronger versions of the classic Wrigley's Spearmint and Double Mint gum's I had it in my mind that Lush would probably be a stronger version of Juicy Fruit. I couldn't have been more wrong.
Lush's main flavor seems to be peach. It's sweet and a little sour at first then maybe three minutes into the chew the sweet peachyiness wears away and you are left with a sour vaguely fruity gum. It reminded me of a gum version of those bulk gummi sour peaches.

It's ok but I still prefer the Cobalt.

Albertsons Supermarket


  1. Grrr theres nothin more annoying than gum that loses its favour after 3 minutes. Not cool in my book!

  2. I GOTIT!!! yummmmmm.

    from CVS

  3. Ther's something crunchy inside...

  4. WOW i hope there isn't anything crunchy in your gum

  5. After about 15 minutes, it gets all soggy..


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