
Monday, October 27, 2008

Harry & David Milk Chocolate Moose Munch Bar

Again I have to credit Jim for inspiring me to want to try something
Jim reviewed this bar back in September (check out his review HERE) and I thought it sounded pretty darn good.

Wandering around Walgreen's last night I found they have started to carry the bars so you know... I had to get one (what you thought I could pass it up?)

The bar has popcorn, caramel, nuts, toffee bits and a fudgy center wrapped in milk chocolate (they have a dark chocolate version as well but the ones on the shelf looked crushed)

I love the idea of popcorn in a candy bar. Off the top of my head I can't think of another bar that has popcorn in it. The bar smells great. Sweet and milky- almost marshmellow like.

Biting into the bar I think because of the smell I had been expecting a soft, chewy texture. What I actually got both smooth and crunchy from the nuts and the popcorn. It was actually a pleasent surprise.

The popcorn was just like I hoped it would be. Crunchy, salty and the pieces were big fluffy kernals. The nuts when I could find them were slightly salty and crispy. As far as I could tell from the label there are supposed to be cashews and almonds. My bar seemed to have mostly cashews. As for the caramel while I can tell from the flavor that it is in there I didn't see any visable traces of it. The toffee bits were crisp and buttery. The chocolate was cool on the tongue, sweet and has an instantly creamy melt. I think without the fillings it may be too sweet but as is it balanced everything out.

My only complaint with the bar really isn't a complaint so much as I wish- I wish there had been more popcorn!

I have got to try the dark chocolate version!


If you have never had one of these bar's they are a must try.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Gi!! thanks for the shout out again!! I had the dark chocolate one just the other day! (due to go live on the site on the 1st of Nov!!)

    Since you enjoyed this one so much I would really recommend you try it! Nice bars these! Very unique!!



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