Sunday, January 18, 2009
Dreyer/Edy's Grand Ice Cream- Chocolate
I don't often travel out of premium ice cream land...
Yeah, I know that is an ice cream snob thing of me to say but- as I have said before if I am going to suffer for eating said ice cream it had better be good.
Since I got the Magic Bullet Blender for Christmas I have been experamenting with making shakes. And I know this is cheap of me but since I am kind enough to share I need a bit more ice cream bang for the buck.
What I have found though is that the Dreyers (Edy's to those of you back east) Grand chocolate ice cream is quite good. I would go as far to say that flavor wise it is actually on par with Haagen-Dazs. The chocolate is a deep, rich cocoa flavor.It's almost like a liquid version of Hershey's Cocoa Powder.
Mouth feel wise it is not as good as Haggen-Dazs. The super rich, super creamy feel isn't there. That said it is far more rich and creamy then most mid-level ice creams. Oh, and it makes a pretty tasty shake!
Albertsons Supermarket
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