
Sunday, March 29, 2009

Ben and Jerry's Mission To Marzipan Ice Cream

This flavor made me think of Jim over at Jim's Chocolate Mission Jim is the only person I know who seems to love marzipan as much as I do

Just in case you don't know Marzipan is a type of confection that is most often made from almond meal and sugar (although Persian versions sometimes contain rose or orange water as well).
I LOOOOOOOVES me some marzipan. I am talking break out the picture of whatever stud puppy I am lusting over that day kind of love- in fact we're gonna go with Paul Rudd because much like marzipan I have thought he was great since forever and a day ago (or since "Clueless") and hopefully now it (and he) will get some of the recognition it deserves. Anyway...

Back in the day at my house we always got the fruit shaped marzipan around Christmas and Easter. We probably didn't get to have it more because I seemed to be the only one that liked it but for some reason my parents didn't feel like it would be a holiday without it (kinda like fruit cake I guess). As an adult I buy it whenever I can- which meant the second my Albertson's had this Ben & Jerry's in the case I ran home with it.

The ice cream is a sweet cream base, to me the base it's self had more flavor that it picked up from the marzipan rather then sweet cream. It has that sweet, cherry like almond flavor that things made with almond paste have. It's nice because it's not too sweet because there is a faint nuttiness to it.

The Marzipan comes in an a combination of a swirl and almond cookie pieces. The swirl is a fluid, almost sticky ribbon that winds it's why through the ice cream. The cookie bits actually remind me more of pure marzipan paste rather then a cookie. It's crumbly but not crunchy in anyway. It is a tad grainer then marzipan is as a rule (I guess that's how you know it's supposed to be cookie pieces) it is embarressing to admit I went digging through the ice cream for the chunks of marzipan?

I haven't pulled out the elsive 11 rating for Ben and Jerry in a while but not only is this Paul Rudd good:
But it's an 11!

And here is the rest of it.


  1. Jesus woman... I don´t know about the ice cream but that Paul is nice!

  2. Oh MY GOD!!!!! I NEED to taste this ice cream! Damn UK and our crappy flavours. Cheers for the shout out GI!! They seriously better bring this flavour out over our side of the pond!


  3. Greetings from a fellow marzipan obsessive-- I came to your blog when a friend sent me a note about this new B&J flavor. Allow me to recommend something that will blow your marzipan-loving mind: ergolavi.

    I'm pretty sure these are the very ones that Bill's Imported Foods sells in Minneapolis. Crisp exterior, chewy yet tender marzipan interior, tangy apricot filling. Thank you, Greece.

  4. GS- Paul is indeed yummy in his own right. "Role Models" is worth seeing for him alone!

    Jim- If it is any consolation I was thinking of you while I ate it!... wait that sounds creepy. I would love to try the 'Wiches for some reason they were briefly available here last year but at the scoop shops only. Unfortunately for me I don't live anywhere close to a scoop shop :(

  5. That Crazy San Francisco GirlApril 22, 2009 at 12:34 PM

    I too am a total marzipan fanatic!!! Must be that German in my blood. Thank you so much for turning me on to Ben & Jerry's new flavor. I can already feel the pounds that I'll put on after eating a pint! (I doubt I'll be able to stop at only half a pint.)

  6. CrazySanFranGirl:
    Maybe I shouldn't be admitting to this but I have gone through 3 pints since this review.

  7. I just heard about this the other day and I can't wait to try it. I haven't found it yet.
    Paul is indeed lookin hot in that pic. Between him and the marzipan i'm gonna be licking my screen in a minute!

  8. Liz, ROTFL and here I thought I was the only one!

    Oh yeah, and the ice cream is good too!

  9. I recently had this for the first time...and binged shamefully on it >.< it reminds me alot of my moms amaretto cheesecake, only, you know, without the cheese..or the cake...

    but still, i love marzipan, i even roll it into balls and drop it into pies and cobblers..anyhow..

    i just thought id bring something to your attention, the reason that the cookies taste like marzipan is because they are amaretti, which is basically blobs of baked marzipan (almond paste, sugar, and eggwhite, can give you my recipe if you want it, though you would need a food processor)

  10. Echo, I don't know why I didn't pick up on the cookie pieces being amaretti. I love amaretti... think I will just have to go eat another pint so I don't make the same mistake twice.

  11. ...*sigh* I've done it again...I'm sorry, i didn't mean to sound rude.

    One day I will learn to keep my mouth shut, till then, enjoy a very special icecream and have a wonderful life.

  12. Echo,
    Wow you took that way the wrong way. I think the problem with written replies (rather then say verbal) is that sometimes they come off as snarky in the wrong way.

    To clarify what I meant was, that I do love amaretti, but somehow I completely missed that the cookie pieces in the ice cream were in fact amaretti. And that I also could use that as an excuse to go and eat another pint (gotta make sure my taste buds are educated!)

    I'm not sure why you thought that I thought you were being rude but please rest assured that it had never crossed my mind. In reality I thought it was cool that you knew what the cookies were and had given me an excuse to eat another pint (the calories don't count if your eating to learn right?)

    Your welcome here anytime so grab a spoon.

  13. mm, its just a general assumption, for some reason i always seem to come across as "rude" "snarky" or otherwise "condescending" when im usually just trying to be helpful. I saw that you seemed to enjoy this as much as i did and wanted to contribute something, i put marzipan and almond paste in all sorts of things (recently made mom a marzipan studded blackberry cobbler..wanting to try making the tollhouse cookie with marz chunks and white chocolate...anyway)

    oh, also, if youd like to take a shot at makeing frozen yogurt, you could probably grab some prepared marzipan, or bake up some amoretti, or use some almond pastry filling (which is probably what the gooey swirl is in mission) add some sugar or splenda, and either pick up a hamilton beach icecream maker (walmart, $25) or just stick it in a big aluminum bowl and stir every half an hour or so till firm (of course we both know which of the two would taste better)

  14. Echo- I had never thought about putting marzipan in a cobbler! I have GOT to try that! Do you think it would work as well with blueberries as your recipe does with blackberries? (I know, I am a freak but for some reason I am just not crazy about blackberries- blue berries on the other hand I LOOOVE almost as much as marzipan)and if yes, please pass along the recipe.

    It's funny that you bring up making yogurt. I have been wanting to try my hand at making tart Pink berry style yogurt. I have finally dug my ice cream maker out of the pantry and have the canister in my freezer right now. I got some really good fresh strawberries yesterday and I am going to make strawberry ice cream (using Alton Browns vanilla base recipe- non-custard style), using fresh strawberry puree as the main flavor and adding bits of fresh berry. And hunks of Vosges 74% Organic Single Origin Dark Chocolate. I will be posting pictures!

  15. The cobbler is the single easiest thing on earth to none.

    As for blueberries and marzipan, i dont know how it would turn out, by and far the single most common fruit paring to marzipan would be cherries, but if it does turn out well let me know, i adore blueberries as well, also been thinking about trying a golden raspberry cobbler, but you dont see raspberries in many cobblers...anyway, on to the madness of my method.

    first note, this recipe can be made with brown butter, dont bother, nobody will notice, truth is most people never do. Second note, this recipe is endlessly variable, one of these days im going to make a corn cobbler (to go with chili, im a freak for chili and corn muffins smashed together) all you need to remember is the portions, it also makes it very easy to scale down, just remember, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1/2 1/4

    what you need:
    16 (2 C) oz filling, this can be anything from canned pie filling, to canned fruit, even canned veggies or meat for a meal cobbler
    1/4 C sugar, only if using fresh berries instead of canned, use only cane sugar, no substitutes, as splenda and most liquid sweeteners will not extract the juices, i would also add a dash of lemon zest.

    to make filling, combine the lemon zest, two cups fresh fruit, and sugar, stir to combine, stir again, very gently, with a blunt tool (silicone spatula, wooden spoon) let sit overnight, covered, in fridge or not, bacteria cant grow in that much pure sugar..its why honey is used as an antibacterial ointment

    1C Self rising flour (or add 1.5 ts powder and .5 ts salt, i recomend salt first so you only have to clean the spoon once)you can also use alternatives, i plan to try this with cornmeal in the near future...
    1C Sugar (if using granular splenda, go for 1 and a a third or half, granular splenda, no matter what they say, does not measure evenly with sugar, either in weight or flavor)
    1C Milk (fat free works fine, butter milk might require a dash extra because of its viscosity)
    1/2C (1 stick) butter, melted, havent tried with margerine, salted or unsalted, what ever floats your boat

    (without comments, 2C filling, .25C sugar, 1C Flour, 1C Sugar, 1C Milk, 1 stick Butter)

    and without any further ado, the method for Mama Jo's Lazy Day Cobbler. preheat to 350 and grab out a baking dish (i use an earthenware pie plate, you can also use a cast iron skillet for that rustic look)

    Toss a stick of butter in your baking dish, stick it in the middle of your oven, close the door.
    While the butter melts, mix flour, sugar, milk, add extracts if you want, i dont. mix will be soupy
    Take baking dish filled with melted butter out of the oven, swirl to coat sides with melted butter.
    Poor batter into the middle of the dish, scraping out as much as you can from your mixing bowl.
    Poor filling over middle of baking dish, dont bother trying be neat, just dump it in, juices and all. (this is where you would add your marzipan at, i would cut it into chips and scatter, or roll into balls and place symmetrically around the dish, maybe with a molded star or heart shape in the center)
    Stick it back in the oven, set the timer for 50 minutes, come back, take it out, serve it steaming hot from the oven with ice cream, or let it sit in the fridge (it only gets sweeter with time)

    this recipe is great for if youre feeling under the weather, because it takes zero brain power, really you could make it with a mug if you wanted to.

  16. Echo,
    That does sound both super easy and good- I loved the idea of doing little version's in cups. I think I am going to do that to bring to the hospital staff as a little thank you snack.

  17. actually, something i did for my grandmother whos diabetic a few days ago, if you melt about a table spoon of butter in a ramekin, then blend an oz each (2 table spoons) splenda, sr flour, and milk, pour into the ramekin, then top with one of those single serving no sugar added fruit cups (the ones that come in 4 packs of plastic cups) you get a perfect single serving for relatively low calories and glycemic impact..assuming you like peach, pear, or fruit cocktail cobbler, as those are the only varieties i tend to see packaged thusly..

  18. Echo: I know it is probably a very non-foodie thing of me to admit but I am quite fond of Splenda. For you purists out there yes, real sugar is of course the better way to go- but for those times when you either need or want to bring the calories down (and you don't mind using an artificial sweetener) I like the fact that Splenda does taste almost exactly like real sugar.

    And for those times when I want a really sweet cup of coffee (once every blue moon, I prefer it black) I like the fact I can use an obscene amount without my blood sugar crashing.

  19. my mom just forced me off my diet because...well, it was killing me..but yeah, i do prefer splenda, its only downside is that it doesnt get that pleasing crunch that sugar has on things like snickerdoodles and such...but theres a work around for that...and its natural! and called where near as sweet as splenda how ever...i tend to mix a little of this and a little of that so i dont overload on one sweetener...also ive noticed mixxing sweeteners tends to have an increased over all effect then using one by its self...

  20. Echo, I tried the Truvia at an Islands Restaurant of all places. It sort of reminded me of what would happen if Sugar In the Raw (which I never use but have been known to eat directly from the packet) and Splenda had a baby.

    As for diet, if it was Atkins you have my condolences. Before, I get 9000 comments on it-- let me say I tried it for two months and anyone who can stick to it and not kill anyone is a stronger person then I am. A carbless Gigi is not a happy Gigi.
    Although, to be fair I am just not a diet person. I find myself eating worse on a diet because I will then eat something out of spite because I have been told I "Can't" have it. When in fact if I just practice moderation I do ok-- there is a difference between "can't have it" and just "don't want it"... of course I do spend a good hunk of my time reviewing snack foods so maybe I am not doing so great lol.

  21. the atkins...mine is much worse, and all together more miserable...i count calories...which is worse because i..

    when i say the diet is killing me, i dont mean it in the "awe you're killin' me man!" so much my mothers words.. "if you dont stop this, now, youll never live to see your next birthday"

    problem is, its easier said then done when you use to weigh near 300 lbs...still, what i weigh now is just insane...

  22. that was stupid, please forget i said anything...i think i had low blood sugar that day...

    oh, also, something thats really good (if you're the type who could eat snickerdoodle dough or cinnaroll dough with a spoon, forget the oven) B&Js cinnamon buns icecream is also awesome.

  23. Echo,
    As always no worries.
    It is damn hard to lose weight and I commend you for sticking to it.

    The Cinnamon Roll flavor is also good enough to eat off of Paul Rudd!

  24. oh...hey...not everybody has by obsession with this stuff...but if you have a small serving ice cream maker...i have a recipe that must be tried if you like.................nutella....

    i have had nutella flavored gelato @ a whole foods market...i frowned at the guy who gave it to me and said "in no way at all was that worth the calories that you just had me take in" he seemed to i was hesitant about making this, because nutella...should never be wasted...............i now wish i hadnt made it for other reasons...

    Nutella flavored icecream...or in this case, my case...fauxrrero rocher icecream...the recipe is too simple to be allowed, and i did modify it slightly...i added a few packs of splenda and truvia, maybe too many...i dont think it really came out being neccesary...but i simply take one tin off evaporated milk(not condensed), pour it into a bowl, scoop out the contents of one average grocery store size jar nutella into milk, use a whisk, preferably nonstick, blend untill smooth, do not use a double boiler, its not necesary...just blend untill smooth, then pour into icecream maker, make......

    my secret...i added some crumbled rice cakes, or you could simply use rice crispies...and about a table spoon of chocolate covered cacao nibs i bought from world market after about 15 adds nothing to the flavor, but it instantly will remind you of the crispies in ferraro rocher hazelnut truffles...

    the verdict.....i will never...never...never make this it took every ounce of my will power to not shove a straw into it and drink it as a milkshake.. (my icecream maker is fail, it doesnt get things good and solid frozen...)...the flavor was intense, indulgent, sinful and intoxicating..the icecream smooth as silk, with a crunchy texture from the cereal...the over all result is utterly sureal...if you are infact a nutella fanatic, do not make this while you are wont last long and this stuff WILL make you sick if you have too much at one sitting.

  25. ECHO
    OMG! that sounds way too good!do you have to bring the base to any particular temp or just until smooth? and have you ever used broken up biscotti in place of the rice cakes?- although think about using the chocolate rice cakes! how good would that be!!

    Ooh I think I have to fire up the ice cream maker...

  26. no particular temp, just a whisk and some time, at first the nutella will stick to the whisk, but it will eventually just dilute out, as a matter of fact, this does better if you don't heat it.

    Biscotti would be good, but the reason i went with the little snack rice crackers (you know, the 90 calorie pack things) is because they hold crispy, i think the biscotti might turn to mush too quickly..

    seriously, though, share this with a friend or it wont last long...also you can increase serving number easily enough, just equal parts evaporated milk (or half and half) and nutella

  27. OMG, I LOOOOVE this icecream, I swear I'm addicted to it, I never have less than 3 pints of it stored in my freezer, no lie lol. It's just perfect, and I don't even like fresh almonds! Whoever is lucky enough to have it at their local grocery store needs to try it now! I buy it at my local Wal-Mart.

  28. I just heard about this ice cream so I was poking around for some more info on it... It sounds totally divine! I love marzipan too. I must try this. Thanks for your review!

  29. I am eating this ice cream as I type. Oh my yes, it is definitely cranked up all the way to Paul Rudd-esque 11.
    The ice cream is divine.


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