
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Second Helpings 6-28-09

Another week, another set of great reviews from other sites!

The first shout out has got to go to Marvo at The Impulsive Buy, and is a testament to both his sense of humor and the power of peer pressure. Yep, the intrepid Marvo actually reviewed The Comfort Wipe! And I have to give him special props for being the first person to really make me laugh in a week.

Cake Wrecks took us at light speed to the greatest Star Wars cakes in the Galaxy.

Jim reviewed Reber Mozartkuglen, which are a way yummy-sounding truffle that has my all time favorite marzipan.

Chocoblog reviewed some of the fantastic looking caramels Amella has to offer.

Possessed By Caffeine
revealed the freaky Lighting Rod Beef Stick. Who would have thought of putting caffeine in a beef stick? (More importantly, can they get it in a cheese log?)

And lastly, speaking of cheese...

Snackeriffic reviewed Cheese Jerky (which sadly did not contain caffeine).

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