
Saturday, August 1, 2009

Second Helpings 8-02-09

There were some great reviews out there this week!

Caffeine in strip form? YES, please! Those lucky guys over at Possessed By Caffeine have got the hookup.

Josie at Yum Yucky
wrote the best pretzel review ever!

Chocablog got to review something called the Momami Creation, which is a slab of milk chocolate with whole cranberries in it!

I am insanely jealous that Jim got to try Hotel Chocolat's Mango Strips.

Marvo lets out his inner bad ass Samuel L. Jackson and tried the the new Angry Chicken Sandwiches...

...why do I suddenly wanna drop F-Bombs and pimp slap someone?


  1. Lovin the blog! thanks for the link!

  2. Your welcome!

    I am a fan of all things caffinated I check you guys out all the time!


Due to Spam all comments are screened... I know its lame but it's that or weird porn ads! Also, comments with links embedded will not be published (see above). If somehow we miss an embedded link the comment will be deleted as soon as we notice it. Again, I know this is lame but thank the porn spammers.

You don't have to agree with me, my reviews or the comments of other readers- but you do have to be respectful. Flaming, name calling and general
stupidity will not be tolerated- or posted.