
Friday, October 23, 2009

Ciao Bella Key Lime Graham Cracker Gelato

Back when I reviewed the Ben & Jerry's Key Lime Pie ice cream, reader Carrie suggested that I try this gelato.

And how could I possibly deny any of you dear readers a request? Yes, that is just how much I care! I care so deeply and profoundly that I will actually eat gelato for you guys...hey, someone has to do it...I am telling you, I am such a giver...

Now, I do have a favorite gelato -- and that would be any flavor sold by the wonderful folks at Grom Gelato on New York City's Upper West Side.

But I have had Ciao Bella's sorbets and been very impressed. (The Blood Orange is SOOOO good!) And I gotta tell you, for pre-packaged gelato, you will be hard pressed to find better than Ciao Bella.

I would like to thank Carrie for not steering me wrong. When she said that the lime flavor in Ciao Bella's version went KA-POW, she was not kidding. The lime is so vibrant and fresh it's almost like the juice was squeezed directly onto the creamy base.

The gelato is rich and perfectly smooth...except for the soft, delectable crumbs of graham cracker mixed throughout. The base has a light and mild, almost honeyed taste.

There is nothing about this gelato that isn't good. Even if aliens came in the middle of the night and sucked out your taste buds in some freakish experiment worthy of a call to Coast to Coast AM, you would STILL be able to tell how good it tastes.

Now go to the store, get some, and then leave comments telling Carrie how grateful you are to her.

Vons Supermarket

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