
Saturday, December 12, 2009

Southern Comfort Vanilla Spice Egg Nog

I really loved the Southern Comfort Traditional Egg Nog, so when I saw that there was a second version, I had to try it.

The Vanilla Spice version is made with -- you guessed it -- vanilla, and spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and probably love. (Love is a spice, right?)

Well, if it's not, it should be...because I done loved me this h'yar egg nog! Just as in the Traditional version, the egg nog is thick and creamy. In terms of flavor, this version tastes as if the Traditional version had French kissed a delicious tub of vanilla frosting. Then as they kissed, the heavens sent down a dusty sprinkle of cinnamon rain.

This egg nog is sweeter than most, but it never crosses the line into "too sweet." It doesn't have the custardy quality the Traditional version has, but that's OK. It's simple and it's good. It almost reminds me of a liquid Loft House Sugar Cookie (but with added cinnamon).

If you want an egg nog that's different than the norm (but not pumpkin), this is great option.

Marvo loved it too when he reviewed it back in the olden days of 2006. You can read his review here.


Albertsons Supermarket


  1. I think I posted this on one of your egg nog reviews last year ... but I have never had Egg Nog!! I am going to make a point of doing so this year!


  2. JIM! that's it! I demand you try egg nog this year or I will have to get you put on the "naughty" list!

  3. Where exactly did you find this? I've been looking for the Southern Comfort Egg Nog ALL year, and none of the stores that normally carry it seem to have it anymore.
    I seriously need to know where you got this from!

  4. Bhorto5:
    I have found both this and the traditional flavor at both Albertson's and Vons supermarkets in multiple locations here in Southern California.

    I don't know if they still carry it or if it is only at select stores (it's been a couple years now) but I also remember having seen both flavors at Walmart Superstores in Georgia.

    Hope that helps!

  5. So I saw this in the store the other day and thought to myself "Hmm...why is Southern Comfort making egg nog? I would never mix soco and egg nog together or I'd certainly vomit. I wonder if its profitable for them as a company to make this..." But I think now having read your review I might actually pick it up and try it, I love a good egg nog at the holidays! Oh, btw, this is my 1st post, I just stumbled across your blog like an hour ago and have been reading it this whole time, I love it!

  6. J:
    Go get some NOW! it is well worth it! I do like the traditional version a teeny bit more but they are both good.

    It doesn't actually contain any actual Southern Comfort so have no worries about alcohol content or effects (well, after effects in that case).

    Hood (for those who don't know Hood is a giant dairy company here in the U.S.) actually manufactures the Nogs that are simply licensed with the Southern Comfort name (I am sure there is a more detailed answer then that one but those are the basic details)

    Thanks for reading!

  7. I also have been looking for this egg nog in Georgia and have been unable to find it. I have searched 5 different stores including Walmart and Target with no success. I would LOVE to know if anyone has found it in Georgia this year--specifically the Vanilla Spice version. Thanks!

  8. Kelly:
    I know this sadly doesn't help you but I did find both flavors in stock at Albertson's tonight.

    BUT what may help you depending on what part of Georgia you are in reported finding it Friday at the Crabapple Kroger in Roswell (Cool factoid: the Crabapple Kroger was used as the "mega mart" location on several episodes of Good Eats during the first couple seasons)


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