
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

New reviews coming soon!

Hey guys, I just wanted to apologize for the lack of reviews in the last couple weeks.

I've had some health issues and my new meds have messed with my tastebuds. I didn't feel it was fair to review things with my senses being off -- but things are clearing up now, so we should have some new pieces up this week.

Thank you for understanding and I promise to make it up to you!

I also have the very first in a new line of features: Food Death Match, coming up!

So stay tuned!



  1. Oh dear Gi I hope you feel better soon. Get well!


  2. Thanks Jim,
    It is the fun that is life with Lupus. My sense of taste is thankfully coming back after a change in meds- but man am I going through review withdrawals!


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You don't have to agree with me, my reviews or the comments of other readers- but you do have to be respectful. Flaming, name calling and general
stupidity will not be tolerated- or posted.