
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Mousse Temptations by JELL-O: Chocolate Mint Pudding...AND A JELL-O MOUSSE CONTEST!!

Is there anything better than pudding? OK, yes, there may be a few things better than pudding...but you'd really have to do some serious thinking to come up with them.

Last year when JELL-O launched the Mousse Temptations line, I was lucky enough to be among the first to get a sneak taste. This year, JELL-O has added a new flavor to the line-up: Chocolate Mint Sensation. And once again, they were awesome enough to send me some to try.

I love the texture of the Mousse Temptations puddings. As you've probably noticed, texture is where sugar-free/fat-free puddings often fail, even when the taste is acceptable. But that's not a problem here at at all. They're whipped and airy, and just all around smooth. Maybe this is what eating a chocolate flavored cloud would be like...

OK, we know the texture is good. But how does it taste?

Well, first the aroma: I like that the scent is mostly chocolate with just a hint of mint. I was worried it would be overwhelmingly minty...but I need not have been concerned.

As for the taste, it's terrific. JELL-O has also perfected the flavor of their sugar- and fat-free puddings to the point that it's hard to tell them by flavor alone from their sugar sweetened, full-fat counterparts.

Tastewise, it's a nice deep cocoa flavor. (I am pretty sure it uses the Dark Chocolate flavor as a base). The mint flavor is pleasantly mild. You certainly taste it -- it's brisk and clean and leaves your mouth feeling cool. But at the same time there's no sense that it's toothpastey or medicinal.

Overall, it was quite good. The Dark Chocolate Decadence is still my favorite, but this flavor is definitely comes in next!


Yep, YOU can win some yummy JELL-O Mousse...and not just a teeny little taste, but a whole happy lot of it! The good folks over at JELL-O are so nice that they want one of my lucky readers to try not only this new flavor...but also the Dark Chocolate Decadence, the Chocolate Indulgence, and the sugar free Chocolate and Chocolate-Vanilla puddings as well!

Yep, that is a whopping five packs of pudding! And with six individual cups per pack, that's a total of 30 servings of JELL-O Mousse Temptations joy! Really, what more could one want? I dunno about you...but personally if it's a choice between world peace and winning 30 servings of über-delicious JELL-O mousse, I'd be seriously torn.

So what do you have to do to enter and win? Good question!

All you have to do is leave a comment in this post telling about your favorite JELL-O pudding flavor. (It doesn't matter which variety, nor whether it's the kind you make yourself or one of the snack pack flavors). The contest will be open until midnight PST, October 9th, 2010, and the winner will be announced Monday October 11th 2010. See the rules below!

The winner will be asked to submit their email address via a comment (don't worry, it will NOT be published), so that I can contact them for mailing information. Your information will be shared ONLY with Hunter P.R., which will be shipping the winner their prize directly.

Rules and other important contest info:
* The contest is open to U.S. residents only. (My apologies to my Canadian and overseas friends.)

* Only one entry per person.

* The winner will be chosen by me at random by whatever means I find amusing at the moment -- quite likely by some method involving cats.

* The winner will have until October 19th to contact me, or a new winner will be picked.

* Again, the winner's shipping information will NOT be posted, and will be shared ONLY with Hunter P.R, which will be shipping the prize package directly to the winner.
Good luck!!

Sample From Company


60 calories per cup.


Sugar free.



  1. I LOOOOOOVE PUDDING!! My favorite kind of pudding, thus far, is the Jell-O instant pudding in a box. I like to combine half chocolate with half coconut. Or sometimes half chocolate with half cheesecake. Or sometimes half chocolate, half coconut and half cheesecake! 150% pudding!

  2. Oh my gosh I LOVE jello's sugarfree line of items. I'm a little embarrassed to admit it, but I have one of their sugar free puddings every single morning. Okay, okay, my diet could be healthier, but I have a huge sweet tooth and their sugar free line doesn't hurt my calorie bank too bad. I need to start my day off with something sweet. As far as my favorite flavor goes... thats a hard one. I really love the sugar free Dulce De Leche and Boston Creme Pie, but i also love the plain chocolate with vanilla swirls and double chocolate. I love their whole mousse line too! If i HAD to pick a favorite... I would probably have to go with the Sugar free Dulce De Leche. MMMM!

  3. I really like the Jello sugar-free cinnamon rice pudding.

  4. I love all of the sugar free jello pudding line. I think my all time favorite would have to be the dark chocolate. I also like to freeze it or mix it with fresh cut strawberries!

  5. My favourite Jello pudding right now is the sugar free Boston Creme Pie (snack pack). It's so good and tastes like chocolate/vanilla twist soft serve when you stir it up.

  6. I am in college. Pudding is easy and meets my definition of a "meal": it comes in a cup and doesn't need to be refrigerated (or maybe it does; that would explain the stomach aches).

    Fav flavor? Just plain vanilla, yo!

  7. Okay, seriously, Jell-O pudding is like one of the best things EVER. Cups...instant mix, if you don't love pudding....I don't think we can be friends, I hope you understand! Oh and the cups that are part chocolate part vallina are the BEST! Side note...Remember Pudding pops? We need to start a petition to bring those bad boys back!

  8. Chandra: I could not agree more with you. The original Pudding Pops were foods of the Gods. My favorite was actually the Banana one. I was the only one in my house who liked them so that worked out pretty sweet for me.

    They actually have in fact been brought back and are marketed as JELL-O Pops under the Popsicle brand (which is actually owned by Unilever)

    The original were made JELL-O (which is owned by Kraft foods) the new versions returned to store shelves around 2004 but they are not all that easy to find. Once in a great while I see them at Albertsons.

    Personally, I think the currant version tastes nothing like the classic- if I come across a box I will will pick it up to do a review. My friend Dubba just reviewed them on his site On Second Scoop you can read his review in the meantime by clicking

  9. I love the Jello tapioca pudding cups. Is my favourite pudding but I have never had luck in making it from scratch

  10. I went on this HUGE pudding kick last year. I would have almost pudding everynight. I would eat it normally, or I would freeze it to make a sort of ice cream/pudding. My favorite flavor had to be the chocolate vanilla swirls, but I love them all! Haven't tried the mousse temptations, but I can't wait to!

    Thanks for a great giveaway!

  11. I love pistachio pudding mix. It is so good with cool whip on top!

  12. I have a hard time believing that something sugar free can actually be this good. I love jello pudding but never tried the sugar free, I have to say though, your pics sure do make this Chocolate kind look yummy!

  13. by the way, my family LOVES your blog, we cannot wait till a new review is posted. We often troll thru here to see what kind of "new" or wierd products we can try. keep up the good work!

  14. I love that so many are excited for this contest! It sounds a little self serving to say this, but it's true- JELL-O pudding is one of my favorite snacks and more often then not you will find a pack in my fridge. My personal favorite beyond the Dark Chocolate Mousse is actually plain old vanilla.

    Thank you so much!
    Hands down writing reviews is what I love to do more then anything else. I have been forced to slow down a little for health reasons. But, I plan on keeping it up until they run out of new products to try (so I think we're safe for a while!)

  15. My favorite flavor is the instant sugar free butterscotch.

  16. Haven't had any in years, but by far may favorites were butterscotch and pistachio.

  17. I feel kind of boring saying this but being 100% honest I love just the plain vanilla pudding. The wife may love all the chocoholic flavors but just regular vanilla nicely chilled is just wonderful.

  18. I love the sugar-free jello pudding cups. However, right now I am also loving the Caramel Mousse Temptations as well!!

  19. My favorite pudding is definitely Jello sugar-free chocolate.

  20. My daughter and I are hooked on the Mousse Jello! The dark chocolate is my fave and the caramel is hers.

  21. I love butterscotch pudding! Ive used it when baking cakes and it is sooo good! I would love to try these sugar free ones though!

  22. I was in love with the discontinued Sugar free Cinnamon Bun flavor! Since that is no longer around I have fallen for the Sugar free Dulce De Leche, mmmm...

  23. Just simple chocolate pudding. Mixed with dream whip mix to make a pie is perfect!

  24. my favorite jello flavor is the sugar free dulce de leche! :) it's soooo good with sliced bananas!

  25. Can't go wrong with the regular chocolate flavor, always a classic and delicious...even my cat likes it.

  26. I love this line. Haven't tried the mint yet. The dark chocolate is my favorite!

  27. My favorite Jell-O pudding flavor has to be the Oreo one! Plus if you added crushed real Oreos...hehehehe

  28. Thanks to everyone who entered the contest- the winner has been posted!

    While the contest may be over please feel free to keep sharing your favorite pudding flavors. It's been really interesting to hear what everyone likes.


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