
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Help Create New Ratings!

Gigi is designing new ratings!

As all of you guys know, I have a standard 1 to 10 rating system that I use custom made icons for. I like to use pop culture/celebrities etc. for the visual.

Up until now all of the people/characters used have been my own picks--with the exception of the Megan Fox icon made especially for Jim.

Now, I would like to get suggestions for who/what you would like to see turned into a rating. Leave your suggestion as a comment. Heck, I may even pick more than one!

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Due to Spam all comments are screened... I know its lame but it's that or weird porn ads! Also, comments with links embedded will not be published (see above). If somehow we miss an embedded link the comment will be deleted as soon as we notice it. Again, I know this is lame but thank the porn spammers.

You don't have to agree with me, my reviews or the comments of other readers- but you do have to be respectful. Flaming, name calling and general
stupidity will not be tolerated- or posted.