Saturday, May 22, 2010

McDonald's McCafe Caramel Frappe

I am a coffee snob. We all know it, and I have admitted it. We all know my coffee of choice is Starbucks. But we also know I cannot resist a review.

I have reviewed some of the other drinks in McDonald's McCafe lineup. My general thoughts have been mixed. The iced latte is a perfectly serviceable (and huge) cup of...well, plain iced latte. (In truth, it is really heavy on the milk -- and I tend to add enough Splenda to sweeten the drinks of a small country and then some.) On the other hand, I would cross frozen tundras naked to avoid the Mochas.

Loving the other guys as much as I do, I can honestly say I usually don't go in for the "frozen coffee beverage" all that much (especially the "new" version), so I thought this offered Mickey D's a pretty level playing ground.

The McDonald's Frappe comes in Mocha and Caramel. I clearly opted for Caramel.

The texture is super, super smooth -- almost more like a melted milk shake than like the somewhat chunky with ice bits version that you maybe are more familiar with. I actually have to give McDonald's a point for this one. I really did prefer the smoother, thinner texture.

The caramel: Well, there is a generous drizzle on top of the whipped cream topping, and that's not bad. The caramel that is actually blended into the drink (all I know is that it is a liquid caramel flavor that is part of the drink's base) does taste like caramel -- a chemical version of caramel. There is an ultra sweet aftertaste, and if you like ultra sweet drink, you probably won't notice quite as much as I did.

The coffee taste is light, with just a little bit bitterness towards the end. If you like your frozen coffee drinks to be bolder, this may not be the drink for you. But if you are just a casual coffee drinker, it is probably about what you are expecting. I do prefer my coffee bolder as a rule, but in frozen/cold drink I would rather have a sweeter and lighter coffee flavor.

In the end, while there is no question about where my preferred hot coffee drinks come from, I would not write the McCafe Frappe off my list. It's light and sweet, and I can even overlook the not-so-great caramel. For fast food coffee, it is a really good option.

There is one other thing that I noticed that I feel the need to share: it's kind of weird, but I noticed that it does leave a lingering aftertaste that I could best call "jelly doughnut revisited." It's not bad, but it's...kinda weird.






550 calories per 16 oz drink.


Contains dairy.



Anonymous said...

hi, i tried the mocha frappe and it was too strong for me. i dont really like coffe. im more of a cappacinno drinker. lol. they taste different! well i thought i try this anyway and the mocha is pretty strong and taste just like a cold coffee. blah. it wasnt bad. if you love cofee thats sweet then i think you'd like the mocha. but if your dont like coffee that much then its gross. lol. cold coffee is kinda nasty to me. but i had to try it because it looked good and i love the whip cream and drizzle.
well its not like a milkshake- thats what i was hoping it would take like. but nope pure coffee taste. just really sweet but also bitter too. i havent tried the caramel. but i think i'll like it better since u said it was light. if its similar to cappincino i think id like it. thanks for your review.

Unknown said...

I happen to love both the caramel and mocha frappe's from mcdonalds ..but i think i sort of have an addiction to it so i guess its time i find a new cold drink i like and blog about that :)

Unknown said...

I happen to love both the caramel and mocha frappe's from mcdonalds ..but i think i sort of have an addiction to it so i guess its time i find a new cold drink i like and blog about that :)