Believe it or not, Starbucks fan that I am, I have never had the Starbucks Ice Cream before.
Not sure why. I love Starbucks, I love ice cream -- so in theory, I should love Starbucks Ice Cream.
Yeah... that sounded like a good theory.
First thing, the texture was awful. Grainy. Airy. There was no smoothness, no creamy mouthfeel.
Next, the chips. They are not real chocolate, but instead are something called "dark chocolaty chunks." They aren't even good in terms of mockolate. The chunks are gritty and bitter. Think Ex-Lax, but less good.
And at last, the coffee flavor itself. Starbucks should be ashamed. Again, bitter is the word that comes to mind. It's like they took old grounds from the stores and used them to make the flavoring. There's a little sweetness but not enough to kill the burnt aftertaste.
Where did this go wrong? If STARBUCKS can't get COFFEE flavored ice cream right, there is just something seriously off in the universe.
Albertsons Supermarket